In this article, we will define essential terms and areas of Products within Image Relay.
Attributes: The basis of the Products Hub. The custom fields that contain information related to your product. Examples: SKU, Name, Description, Shipping Weight, Color, Size.
Attribute Groups: Organizes multiple attributes for a specific category, channel or purpose (pallet information, item specs, part data, etc.)
Bulk Actions: The ability to use the current selection of various products to perform additional tasks (assigning to a category after an export, various export types, etc.)
Catalogs: Similar to Collections, Catalogs allow you to set and share a custom series of products via a link. For each catalog, you can choose a specific view which will determine which information fields are visible in the catalog.
Categories: Similar in concept to the Image Relay Library Folder, categories help organize the product library and help you find the products you are looking for more easily. You can click on a top level category, or drill down into subcategories.
Channels: Channels allow you to view and export products specifically for a certain distributor. The fields within each channel have been set specifically for that distributor. Channel examples might be Amazon, or Walmart.
Channel Template: A Product Channel Template is a series of mapped attributes for a distributor or vendor. Exporting a selection of products through a channel creates a CSV that is formatted for a specific vendor. You can have multiple Channel Templates within a Channel.
Product Details: This page presents all product information and channel attribute data. The page can be further organized into specific views for users such as sales, marketing, etc.
Product Types: Product Types are one of many ways to organize data for easy viewing on the Product Details page. This determines which fields are relevant for a product, such as T-Shirts being the product type and attributes like fabric material, size, and logo dimensions being the information visible for the products of that type. Product Types are fully customizable.
Views: A collection of Attribute groups tailored to a department or purpose (General, Marketing, Sales). Views allow you to see specific information when logged into the Products Hub. They also allow you to share specific information in Catalogs.
Supporting Assets: Additional files or documentation attached to a product in the Product Details page (sales sheet, variant images, etc.)
Variants: The different versions/configurations/options that are available within a single "parent" product, most commonly seen where each option or configuration of options has a different SKU.
Variant Dimensions: The parameter that defines the options by which you may configure the variants, such as size (s-xl), Color (red, blue).
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