Public Portals are the newest way to showcase your content to the world. With Public Portals, you can place curated Collections of files on the front page of your Image Relay library, where people can access them without a username and password. Public Portals may not be available with all plans. Please contact with questions.
This may be the easiest way yet to get items such as brand guidelines, logos, PR material and more into the hands of people who need them.
Public Portal Permissions:
You will first need to decide who at your organization has the ability to administrate your public portal. This decision should be made by the primary admin or other top administrators. Because the public portal will be available for anyone to view, it is important that users with access to the portal understand what files are ok for the world to see what and what files are private or for internal use only.
Only users with admin rights can be set-up to work on the Public Portal. You may need to create a new Permission level for those who are running the Public Portal, or you could amend one that already exists. Just be sure to double-check that users is in the permission level running the public portal are correct.
The setting to turn on the Public Portal is located under "Additional Options" within a Permission.

Please note: if you make a new Admin Permission level, the option to administer Public Portals will be checked automatically. Be sure to uncheck this option if you do not not want someone working on this.
Public Portal Administration
Once you have given users permission to administrate Public Portals, they will see a new option under

This will take you to the Public Portal administration page:

Using the toggle at the top, you can turn the Public Portal on and off. When the Public Portal is on, users will see this page before logging in.
On this page you can also:
Add a Title and Description to your portal
Add and remove Collections
Change a Collection's settings (download or view only, description)
See Public Portal activity by others.
Hit the button on the top right to "View Public Portal"
A Note on Collections and Collaborators
Please note, only Collections without collaborators can be added to the Public Portal. If there are collaborators on the Collection you will get an error message and you will not be able to add it. If it is your Collection, you can remove the collaborators and then add it.
On the Collections Page
On your Collections page, you will see indicators of what Collections are Public or Expired. You can also add or remove Collections from the Collections homepage.

We hope you find the new Public Portals feature useful. If you have any feedback, please email
Further Resources:
Creating a Collection
Adding Collaborators to a Collection
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