Please note, only the Master Admins can edit this feature. All plans may not include this feature. Please contact with questions.
Some plans come with an option to turn on the “Request Account” feature which allows users to request an account from the front page of your Image Relay library. This may also be hidden if preferred.
You can approve them and assign them to any permission level you choose. If you are interested in turning on this feature, please contact
If this feature is available, you will find the settings for it under Admin> Account Settings> Customize Portal. All of the settings are under the User Registration piece. You will be able to enter the email(s) of the person you would like to be notified about new users. You can also customize the registration fields that new users must fill in in order to collection different information.
Once a Request is made, it will be stored in PENDING USERS. Admins can activate these account requests by approving them and assigning them a proper permission.
Go the to Admin Tab and choose Users and Permissions.
Click on Pending Users along the left-hand side.
Find the user you are looking for and click on their name.
Assign them a permission level and click Approve. Once you have done this they will be automatically sent an email detailing their account information. They will then be listed in the Active User list.
You may also Decline a pending user if you wish. They will receive no further contact from you in that case.
Further Reading:
Admin Features
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