This article will give a comprehensive description of the Channels feature in the Product Hub, including:
- Defining a Channel and a Channel Template
- Channels Navigation
- Channels Settings
Channels and Channel Templates
Channels are completely customizable avenues for attribute management. They are the source for all attribute mappings in the Product Hub. Channel Templates are a series of mapped attributes assigned to a Channel to make exporting products more efficient by automatically formatting the attribute data with the channel-specified headers. A Channel can have multiple Channel Templates containing all kinds of mapped attribute information as needed by the organization for that particular channel.
Channels and Channel Templates can vary based on an organization's needs. The example below shows Product Channels as vendor sites (Amazon, backcountry website, O'Neill Direct, REI, and Shopify) with Channel Templates including the vendor-specific attributes for the gear (in this case, REI's desired attribute labels for rash guards, wetsuits, and women's jackets).
Channels Navigation: Viewing Channels and Templates in the Product Hub
Navigate to the Channels view through Products>Channels.
On the left-hand side, you will see the menu featuring all the products in the Product Hub, Products Unassigned to a channel currently, and the Channels sections. These sections will narrow your view to show the Channel Templates assigned to that channel and the products assigned to each template.
Channels Settings
Navigate to Channel Settings through Admin>Products Settings> Channels (in the left-hand menu)
From the Channels Settings, there are three essential tabs: Import Templates, Preset Channels, and Export Channels:
Import Templates: This is a record of the templates or CSV's imported into the Product Hub. Templates imported more than once will only show once on the list.
Preset Channels: Channels with preset templates and attribute mapping due to 3rd party integration, such as Shopify
Export Channels: Channels made manually for specific 3rd party export purposes with custom Channel Template headers mapped to source attribute headers from within the Product Hub.
Further Reading:
Creating a Channel
Adding Products to a Channel
Exporting from a Channel
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