In this article we will talk about Proof Versions and their corresponding settings.
When proofs are updated with feedback from a stage, a proof user with management access can upload a new version of the asset.
Assets are uploaded from the library for Digital Proofing. If an asset has been edited with stage feedback, it must first be uploaded into the library before attaching it to the proof as a new version for that stage.
Uploading a new asset automatically locks members of the stage from commenting on the previous asset version. The stage will continue from the beginning of the review process and transfer the stage roles of the stage members to the new version.
All stage members will receive an email with the new proof link, and a notification in the viewer of the change and will be redirected to the latest version if they use the old proof viewer link.
Previous decisions, comments, and markups do not transfer to the new version.
Uploading a New Version of an Asset to a Proof
The Proof Owner or a Proof User can navigate to Tools> Digital Proofing, and click My Proofs in the righthand menu. From there you can select the proof that will have the version update from the table view.
Please note that a guest user cannot be given access to upload a new version to the proof.
Once within the Proof Settings, click New Version, next to the Edit button on the top right.
Selecting New Version allows you to immediately select a new asset from the library for the new proof version.
Creating New Stages for the Latest Version of a Proof
While not a requirement, a Proof User can also add stages for reviewing the new proof version in addition to, or in place of existing stages. Simply click to Edit the proof and adjust or add stages as needed.
Reverting to Previous Proof Versions
When clicking on a proof, the Proof settings will automatically appear for the most current version. To go back to a prior version of a proof for editing, you must delete the current proof version.
A notification will pop up that permanently deleting the latest version will make the previous version of the proof draft into the latest version.
Deleted proof versions and their comments and markups are no longer viewable after deletion.
Viewing former Proof Versions
Proof Users and Guest Users are able to view previous versions, and the comments or markups associated from within the Proof Viewer. Simply click the dropdown arrow next to the proof name and select the version you want to view.
No new comments or markups can be added to a previous proof version.
Further Reading
Comparing Proof Versions in the Proof Viewer
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