The Proof Viewer is the canvas for commenters to contribute their feedback for a proof within Image Relay. It contains several tools for the proofing process.
This article will cover:
- Accessing the Proof Viewer
- Proof Details View
- Proof Orientation Tools
- Making a Decision
- Commenting Tools
1. Accessing the Proof Viewer
Access to the viewer varies by user type. Proof Users can see the viewer from within Image Relay. Guest Users will utilize the proof link via email.
Proof User Access
A Proof User can access the Proof Viewer through Tools> Digital Proofing> Pending (Under My Proofs). Select the proof you want access to the viewer for from the table of proofs.
Once you have clicked on the desired Proof, click the Launch Viewer button.
Guest User Access
A Guest User will receive an email invitation to the proof viewer. Clicking the Open Proof button will give them access to the proof.
2. Proof Details View
Access permissions set by the proof owner will determine which tools users are able to see and use.
Users can view the name and version of the current proof with the Proof Details menu. The dropdown menu to the right of the Version icon allows you to view previous versions of the proof. Further details can also be visible by selecting the menu icon.
Menu Settings
The Menu icon allows a Proof User to view proof details, lock the proof from further commenting, download the original proof, set their notification preferences, and adjust proof viewer settings. Guest Users will only be able to view the proof details from this menu.
- Details: Clicking on the Workflow tab allows Proof Users to view the progress of each stage assigned to the proof. Selecting the Details tab shows general information about the proof and a sharable proof link for people to view the proof only.
Guest Users are only able to view the Details tab.
- Lock: Allows Proof Users to lock the proof manually from further comments being made.
- Download Original: Allows the Proof User to download the original asset(s) within the proof
- Notification Preferences: Sets how often you will be notified concerning feedback or updates on the proof:
- Proof Viewer Settings: Allows a Proof User to adjust how the Viewer looks:
3. Proof Orientation Tools
These icons, found under the proof details icons, allow you to adjust your view of the assets within the proof.
Thumbnail icon: Opens thumbnail views of all assets within the proof
Page View Mode: allows you to view the assets in a continuous, single, or side by side view
Page Arrows: Allows you to move from page to page to view multiple assets is needed
Zoom Increase/ Decrease Tool: Allows you to zoom in and out of the viewer
Zoom Dropdown Menu: Allows you to adjust the view manually or by using default zoom options
Fit to page: Fits the entire proof to the Viewer screen
Marquee Zoom: Allows you to zoom into a specific point of your choosing within the proof.
Commenting Mode: Allows you to click within an area of the proof to comment and markup. Only accessible for those with commenting access
Panning Mode: Allows you to click and drag the proof around the proof window. When panning mode is activated, the hand turns blue. Selecting the measurement or markup tools will deactivate panning mode automatically
Rotate Proof: Rotate the proof image by 90 degrees
Measurement Area: Opens the Measurement tool to check page size, bleed size, or the size of an object within the asset using various units.
4. Making a Decision
The center button in the Proof viewer allows those with decision making access to make a decision to either approve the proof when ready, mark as not relevant, or to mark it as changes required.
You can also check the box at the bottom of the dropdown menu for an email confirmation of the decision.
5. Commenting Tools
The commenting area can be found on the righthand side of the Proof Viewer
Comment box: Opens a text field where you can type your comments, label them as "to do", attach files to the comment, and tag others to view within the comment. Toggling the Private button will also remove the comment from other stages and make it visible only to the commenter's stage. Proof Owners can see all comments, regardless if they are marked private.
Only those given commenting access can comment on a proof.
Chat View: Displays all comments concerning the proof. When a single comment is clicked on within the view, it will expand the comment and show attachment links if one was added.
Further Reading
Comparing Proof Versions in the Proof Viewer
Sharing your Proof via email and proof link
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