To create a new Template you must first create and publish a Project.
Note that only Marketing Templates Admin have access to create new projects to publish as a template.
This article will cover how to create Templates from scratch with a new project, from existing templates, and how to publish a project as a new template.
Creating a New Template
To create a new template, one must first create a new project and publish it as a template before other users have access to it.
Navigate to the My Projects area of the Marketing Templates menu and select +New Project in the top left corner of the viewing area.
Create a name and designate a media type and preset for the project from the dropdown menu
From this point, you can design the template with the design menu, or apply a template design from an existing template.
Creating a New Template From an Existing Template
You can create a new template from an existing one in two ways.
One way is to create a new project and select apply template from the editing menu on the left.
Another way is by selecting the template from the Templates menu to make it a project. You can publish that project as a different or alternate Template without impacting the existing Template.
Publishing a Project to Create a Template
To publish a project into a Template, navigate to the My Projects view in Marketing Templates and hover the mouse over the desired project. In the dropdown menu, select Publish and confirm the template name before publishing.
You will receive an email once your project has been published as a Template. You can go back to the template and select Edit Category to assign specific users the ability to see and use the template for their projects.
Note that once a template is published, it is considered a complete work and no further editing can be done on that specific template. To edit you must duplicate that template as a new project.
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