Within the Product Hub, attribute data can be collected into a single group to more cohesively organize product information (pallet information, item specs, part data, dimensions, etc.).
Attribute Group settings are accessible to specific users who are given access to the Product Hub.
You can navigate to groups by going to Admin> Product Settings> and selecting the Groups tab in the center view.
Currently, two types of groups are Attribute Groups and Image Groups.
1. Attribute Groups
Attribute groups are non-image details associated with a product and assigned to the general or custom view together. Attribute Groups can be seen on the Product Details page and Product Views to bring better visibility of desired data, for example, a Marketing group for sales and feature-related information and a Dimensions group for technical specifications.
2. Image Groups
Image groups are designated spaces within a Product's detail page where images associated with a product can be assigned to a specific view. Common Image Groups include front, side, and rear views of a product.
In the example below, REI front and back view images are associated with the Sales view of this product:
3. Creating Groups
1. Navigate to Admin> Product Settings> Groups and select either Attribute groups or Image groups in the table
2. Select Add Group if you are in Attribute Groups, or Add Image Group while in Image Groups
3. Create a Name for the Group and select the attributes for that Group. You will be able to see current unassigned attributes to choose to add to your group.
Note: Attributes can NOT be assigned to multiple groups.
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